Orchestrating Experiences: Strategy & Design for Complex Product Ecosystems

Our design challenges are becoming more and more complex. Services are more interconnected across channels both digital and physical—and more importantly across time and space. So how do we maintain a user-centered focus when faced with complicated design problems? How do we have conversations across our organization, and where do we even start?
Whether it's an expanding digital product ecosystem, a cross-channel retail experience, or a complex, intangible service experience—how do we design experiences that unfold over time and through changing contexts? How do we ramp up new cross-functional teams that don't have a shared sense of process or method? In this seminar, Chris Risdon shows us how to make sense of all the moving parts of this increasingly complex system. Discover how to unite customer experience, service design, and user experience teams for a holistic approach.
Learn how to design experiences that unfold over time and space
- Shift our thinking from “products” to “systems and services”
- Combine talent and methods from disciplines like customer experience, service design, and user experience
Understand how people experience the whole journey
- Define the larger journey, not just its parts
- Identify the people, places, and things that provide context for their journey across complex channels
Define the framework for mapping
human experiences
- Use experience maps as a catalyst instead of a conclusion
- Identify opportunities, pain points, and gaps
Reimagine touchpoints for the holistic experience
- Create a strategy for prioritizing, road mapping, and blueprinting
- Learn how to design discreet touchpoints for a consistent experience
Attend this seminar if:
- You are now part of a cross-functional team
- You’re an individual designer working on a product or service
- You feel the need to “level-up” as a designer because of growing complexities
If you want to design less for features and screens and more for holistic experiences, this seminar is for you.