Collaboration or Fighting? Ways to use Common Language when working on UX/UI

Working on a product’s UX/UI requires the ability to collaborate with dozens of people: stakeholders, product owners, managers, SMEs, developers, business analysts, etc. The peculiar thing is that all of them have their own goals (personal, professional and those connected with a particular product) and reasons.
How do I avoid the battle of egos? What should I consider important input from clients and co-workers? When do I rely on, and insist the team follow my professional opinion? These are the questions designers wrestle with every day. That’s why it’s important every UX/UI person have a clear map of the team they’re working with and know the techniques and best practices for communication and collaboration with them.
In this talk, Anastasia Rezhepp unveils how you can achieve those qualities, how to teach designers to collaborate better, and understand the obstacles you can avoid when your designers are good communicators.