IA Lenses - Helpful Perspectives for Information Architects

Information Architecture is the underlying structure of a digital product, but, as Dan Brown reminds us, it can also refer to the practice of designing those structures. In this seminar, Dan introduces a tool he created to help architects get to the heart of the challenges they face organizing and designing structures. IA Lenses provide insights and prompts to help architects examine problems from different perspectives to find the right solutions.
Discover what IA Lenses Are and How they Work
- Analyze challenges in organization and labeling with IA Lenses
Apply IA Lenses to a Case Study with the World Bank
- Ask the right questions to dig beneath the surface of a problem
Explore ways that you can apply IA lenses to your work
- The categories you choose convey a narrative for what a business does
Bad IA choices have a ripple effect that touches every aspect of a website and user experience. With IA lenses, Dan introduces a set of categories and questions through which to view tough information challenges, get to the root of a problem, and find practical solutions. Information Architects, strategists, and anyone interested in adding another tool to their IA toolbox will benefit from this seminar.