New Ways to Think about Taxonomy:
The Role of Taxonomies in Your Organization

Do your users like to search or browse? Everyone does both and a well-constructed taxonomy will greatly improve their success at finding their desired content and enhancing their discovery of the knowledge hidden deep in your site.
Implement your taxonomy well and it becomes the organizing principles that drive your metadata standards and your information architecture, and, when you're ready, your faceted search and your semantic search. A great taxonomy will even drive a successful Web 2.0 implementation and help you reduce costs in designing and deploying your site.
To help, we've asked Seth and Stephanie, experts in creating and maintaining sophisticated taxonomies, to broaden your thinking about how a taxonomy can make your life easier, whether you're designing a public-facing web site or a large-scale intranet. In this 90-minute online session, you'll see detailed examples of taxonomy applications and how to leverage key design principles across your organization. Stephanie and Seth will give you a better understanding of your own taxonomy and the navigation of your information. You'll get your content management system under control and improve your search results.
Ever have trouble explaining why a taxonomy is important to your colleagues at work? Seth and Stephanie will show you how. You will also hear three detailed case studies: Motorola, American Greetings, and The Urban Land Institute.
Purchase this presentation today, so you can stop wrestling with the organization of information on your web site or intranet.