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Recorded Event: UX Advantage 2015 Talks from the conference

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Infusing Design Into Our Organizations

Jared Spool - Using his entertaining storytelling style, Jared weaves together the threads of what was heard throughout the conference. We’ll look at how to rethink the way we structure our teams, how they collaborate, and the implicit and explicit rewards that drive their achievements. Organizations need to approach every problem and decision from a design viewpoint. Jared connects the UX Advantage themes together to form a framework for how we tackle the amazing challenges ahead of us.

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The Candidate Experience Is the Customer Experience

Lou Adler - The challenges we have ahead require top talent to execute. Design leaders, who could lead our organizations to new heights, are a rare gem to find and recruit. A designed approach to hiring will change the caliber of your team. From first contact through the candidate’s start date, the hiring process needs to be thoughtfully designed. You’ll see a performance-based talent system that replaces the talent repelling old-school HR processes.

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“Organizational Becoming” Made Practical

Marc Rettig - Creating a culture of design is a special case of “organizational becoming,” touching teams, processes, and the delicate and difficult areas of culture and identity. Few of us feel equipped for such work. But “social technologies” are appearing to help us manage cultural emergence. Weaving theories of change with the nitty-gritty of daily life, Marc uses stories from organizations large and small to describe the ways and wisdoms of becoming an organization that embraces design.

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Government’s Design Lessons

Dana Chisnell and Dean Logan - Dana and Dean discuss the unique challenges of bringing UX into the government sector and how some things they learned can benefit the private sector.

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Designing a Global UX

Gina Villavicencio & James Nixon - Gina and James discuss Marriott’s efforts in ensuring their brand isn’t lost across cultures, and how the organization is shifting to a more global perspective and locale-specific user research.

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