Ajax: Tips, Tricks, & Avoiding the Pitfalls

Incorporating Ajax into your design can dramatically impact a user’s experience on your site. You can improve flow, reduce errors, and improve satisfaction. You can also ruin your site’s experience just as easily, causing more harm than good. As with any powerful tool, Ajax needs to be wielded with care.
Do you know where and when to use Ajax? Today’s best designers are well versed in Ajax's technical fundamentals, best practices, and design implications. They know what the tool can do well and what’s hard to implement. Even those equipped with talented developer resources tell us they are most effective when they can design directly into Ajax’s strengths and avoid its weaknesses. So if you’re in that crowd, or intend to be, this seminar is for you.
One of the most valuable things to know about Ajax is what it is and is not suited for. It’s important to know the pitfalls you'll need to avoid:
- Imitating an interface in Ajax is much more complex than you expect
- Keyboard support can be poor
- Using Ajax for everything
Using Ajax because everyone’s using Ajax
In this seminar for those familiar with Ajax, Derek Featherstone will show you how to get the most out of it. He’ll use great examples from Mint.com, GMail, and Basecamp, just to name a few. You’ll maximize your implementation, and not waste the benefits by tucking it everywhere. You’ll leave able to spot opportunities to implement Ajax in a successful manner—using easy-to-spot design patterns and implementation guidelines.
This is the perfect seminar for those designers looking to optimize their Ajax implementations for the best experiences.