Building a Culture of Design

For a designer, nothing is quite as soul-crushing as working in an environment where your contributions are unrecognized or underappreciated. All the pool tables, summer Friday’s, and canine coworkers can’t make up for a culture that consistently squelches your attempts to win a place at the table.
The good news is, change is in the air. Organizations are beginning to recognize that design thinking can give them a competitive edge in the fight to deliver innovative products and experiences. This shift in mindset presents a huge opportunity for designers to step in and start crafting a culture of design within their companies — whether you’re a Team of One, the most junior member of your team, or head of design.
It’s about understanding that design thinking isn’t just for designers. It’s about fostering relationships throughout the company, having productive conversations, and generating useful feedback. We can all start making small steps forward with the end goal of building a culture of design. Over time, these incremental changes will help you win advocates, build equity with business partners, and transform your organization in a lasting way.
Define what a culture of design is — and what it isn’t
- Convince your organization that design is more than just making things pretty
- Understand what it looks like when design thinking is pervasive
Understand the transformative power of design thinking
- Get in on the business side of the conversation, and start working from buy-in and not for buy-in
- Create your dream design job, without leaving your current position
Recognize your role in transforming your company culture
- Push the design agenda without stepping on toes or overstepping your bounds
- Recruit and create design evangelists from every department, at every level
Develop a game plan for effecting change
- Understand your baseline and identify opportunities for growth and change
- Outline a series of incremental steps you can take to promote design thinking throughout your entire organization
Attend this seminar if you want to:
- Learn tips and tricks that will help you start conversations and increase design’s visibility within your company.
- Put your design skills to work crafting truly innovative products and services.
- Start changing the culture of your company as soon as this Virtual Seminar ends.
Chris’s talk will give you the tools and encouragement you need to lead your team, department, or organization toward a more design-centric future.