Collaborative Information Architecture

You’ve worked hard on the information architecture models you’ve created but haven’t been able to sell them to the client, or your co-workers. Maybe the conversation around the IA has broken down into an unhealthy debate over semantics. In another scenario, you are tasked with creating a controlled vocabulary for a large organization that has a silo mentality and a lot of legacy content. Where to begin?
These scenarios will sound familiar to most user experience professionals. In this seminar, Abby will share her techniques for getting an organization that may have different ideas about how to organize and name content to agree upon a controlled vocabulary.
Abby will share specific tools in the form of diagrams, beyond the ubiquitous sitemap and wireframe, which communicate complex ideas. And she’ll share techniques for practicing information architecture with clients collaboratively.
Practice information architecture collaboratively
- Hear tips and techniques for how to work with departments within an organization to establish common ground around language and structure
- Learn when to use generalists and specialists to inform your information architecture
- Learn how you can apply this technique to projects in an Agile environment, Waterfall, a redesign, or after a company merger or acquisition
Learn collaborative facilitation techniques
- Understand the role of your opinion when facilitating conversations about the IA
- Hear a step-by-step guide for working collaboratively within a large organization to tackle a controlled vocabulary
- Identify problem areas in language, and the people who can help you sort them out
Build your UX toolbox with new diagrams and techniques
- Build your UX toolbox with ten diagrams (that are neither wireframes nor sitemaps) that communicate a complex subject visually and help teams reach a resolution
- Learn how to break down and develop a controlled vocabulary with a team rather than for a team
When we work with clients to create a controlled vocabulary, we navigate strong personal opinions and politics within an organization. This seminar will support information architects, user experience professionals, and product managers who are looking for techniques to collaborate more successfully and find common ground around language and structure.