It’s a Great Time To Be a UX Designer

There’s never been a better time to be a designer. After years of wishing we’d have the recognition and appreciation for the value we bring, we’re now highly sought after for our talents and skills. A growing number of organizations have seen success through great design, from Apple to Cirque de Soleil to the White House. Others now want to get the same results. The demand for great designers has never been better.
Yet, as the proverb says, "Be careful for what you wish for, lest it become true." Now that everyone expects us to deliver great things, are we ready? While we’re presented with more opportunities than ever, we also have increased challenges.
Mobile design requires us to rethink what we previously knew about designing for screens and interaction. Integrating with Agile methods forces us to critically explore past ideas of best processes and techniques. There’s a lot of pressure to deliver excellent, world-changing designs while our own world is dramatically shifting under our feet.