UX Design in the Mobile Frontier
Mobile's untethered technology represents a powerful opportunity to invent new interactive experiences, breaking from nearly 50 years of desktop design conventions.
But with so many possibilities for this touch interface, where do we begin?
Enter Rachel Hinman, the renowned mobile UX researcher, who'll show you the landscape of possibilities and how to capitalize on them. So if you're looking for an overview of tools and frameworks—plus some in-depth instruction on UX design for mobile—then you've come to the right place.
Understand the landscape of our Brave NUI World
You'll see the Natural User Interface in ways you hadn't before.
- How mobile's NUI differs from the desktop's GUI - and why this is awesome
- What's lost when you take a PC experience and just shrink it down for mobile
- Where content can drive your UX
Consider continuity in your mobile experience design
You'll expand your thinking beyond the singular device focus.
- Where the realities of designing for data come in to play on different devices
- How to embrace shape shifting by researching in the context of mobile use
- Why strategies to simplify interactions can work across multiple platforms
Achieve comfortable computing beyond the desktop
You'll adopt a more balanced approach to your mobile UX design.
- When to consider personal and professional tasks users expect on mobile
- How collaborative techniques will facilitate participatory design
- Which methods and tools you can use to test new interactions
So giddyap pardner. This new frontier is already being explored. The question is: Do you want in?