When Search Meets Web Usability

Your users' experience is a fluid event that frequently starts someplace like Google and, if you're lucky, ends with them accomplishing their objective at your site. The goal is to make that event seamless and as natural as possible. Unfortunately, few sites achieve that.
This webinar will help you bridge the gap between the web search engine and your site. You'll learn techniques and tricks that will increase conversions, satisfaction, and your users' success.
In this fun 90-minute session, Shari will show you how to ensure your site’s search listings and corresponding landing pages satisfy the goals of your users. She'll describe the different mental models that searchers have and what your design needs to do to match them. You'll learn solid techniques to increase the qualified search engine traffic coming to your site and make sure the site is following through to turn leads into success.
The web is filled with a ton of misinformation about what works and what doesn't work in the world of search engine optimization. Shari has spent years researching what really works and what is just unfounded myth when it comes to getting users to your site. She will introduce you to the 4 essential building blocks of successful search engine optimization – building blocks that are applicable to all search engines, including your own site's search engine.
You'll see how Shari's philosophy of People First, Search Second can drive your design strategy for optimal business results. Shari believes that you shouldn't be optimizing for search engines -- you should be optimizing for the people who use the search engines. This basic change in mindset brings usability to the forefront in any search engine optimization program, just where it belongs.
Remember: SEO is not about optimizing for search engines, it's about optimizing for people who use search engines.