Modern Layouts - Getting Out of Our Ruts

We’re in a rut. Web design solves problem by mirroring what’s always been done. This means reusing the same layouts again and again. And again. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Jen Simmons rallies web professionals to take a fresh approach. She challenges us to solve problems in ways not considered possible on the web. She starts by showing us what’s wrong and ends on a high note: hope.
Look at web design today
- Review several examples of websites from today and see how similar their layouts are
- See how websites started with no layout and progressed to the responsive web designs of today
Examine layouts in print versus online
- See how measures up to the magazine
- Understand the importance of translate vs transfer
Learn about emerging web technologies that can make your layouts fresh and creative
- Look at examples of CSS specifications and how they are coded
- Review timelines for when these CSS specifications will be released
Decide the best way to implement a new layout
- Experiment, make a prototype, and test it
- Use “progressive enhancement” to incorporate new CSS specifications without worrying about browser incompatibility
Attend this seminar if you want to:
- Find inspiration beyond what already exists
- Use the ideas you had but didn’t think you could use on the web
- Shake up your layouts with tools available today
- Create something beautiful and fresh
Jen will take a walk through where we’ve been, where we might be going, and how we can design better by thinking bigger. This talk features practical examples of what's newly possible, along with access to a code repo to play with later.
Join Jen to get excited about the incredible power of the web and what we’re collectively inventing.