Responsive Workflows: Because There’s No Such Thing as a Perfect Process

Teams of all sizes struggle to keep their workflows efficient—especially amid the growth of mobile, new methodologies like Responsive Web Design, and constantly evolving business or marketing goals.
How can we be responsive in our design processes without ruining budgets, timelines, or team morale?
Ben Callahan works with businesses of all sizes on how to become more flexible, people-centric, and outcome-oriented.
Hear his tips and techniques—from giving and receiving design critiques to pitching ideas before they’re fully baked--to establish a responsive workflow that’s focused on the end product. You’ll learn to bridge communication gaps, establish clear design goals, and build trust between management and project teams.
Move away from linear thinking
- Shift your process to focus on people and goals—without ignoring timelines and budgets
- Invite your whole team into the process to get better buy-in and more momentum
- Hear case studies of projects that successfully adopted a responsive workflow
Embrace a responsive workflow
- Learn how to do a critique, receive feedback, and get teams on the same page
- Practice low-fidelity sketching, pair design, and “pixel-imperfect” design reveals
- Structure small teams to be cross-disciplinary right from the start
Invest in your people
- Value design fluency and expertise without prioritizing those qualities over humility
- Build trust by exchanging ideas, accepting critique, and making decisions together
- See how empathy—for each other and users—influences morale and final products
Attend this seminar if you:
- Often say, “There’s gotta be a better way to do this,” but don’t know what it is
- Want to make decisions together as a team, rather than working from a checklist
- Think your existing design process isn’t Agile or flexible enough
- Feel a tension between management and teams—and want to eliminate that tension
If you feel like you’re in an endless cycle of making design deliverables and sitting in exhausting meetings, then it’s time to get responsive with Ben.