The Secret Lives of Links

Take a journey to learn the secret lives that our sites’ links are living. You’ll explore the good and bad from web sites across many industries.
Who knew links could be so interesting? Links are the fabric of a web site, holding all the pages together. They are the molecular bonds of a great web experience.
When we design links poorly, it’s painful for our users. When we design them well, it focuses the user completing their objective in a delightful manner. Getting the link design right is critical to a great web site.
Yet we never talk about what makes great links great and what makes poor links poor. Until now.
Join Jared M. Spool as he shares his research with a ton of funny, interesting, and thoughtful examples and rules that reveal the secret lives that our sites’ links are living. You’ll learn the good and the bad from university web sites, news providers, e-commerce sites, and many more.