There Are No Buts in Progressive Enhancement

Progressive enhancement sounds practical until your project falls into categories like ecommerce, news, higher education, financial services, single-page apps, or health care, right? Good news: you’re wrong!
Aaron and Jenn are Interweb superheroes here to debunk common excuses for not using progressive enhancement to improve your site’s reach. Their talk will be chock full of practical examples to help you employ a progressive enhancement philosophy in situations typically overlooked.
Aaron Gustafson and Jenn Lukas are a multi-talented duo. While she did interactive development design at Happy Cog, Jenn learned the tricks to delivering intricate designs to be deployed across multiple devices. Aaron has used this framework for exploring seamless experiences in his work with the development teams of Fidelity and Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Join Aaron and Jenn to tackle the challenge of reaching more people with less effort and cost. Progressive enhancement isn’t just for content sites—really! See for yourself.