Writing Content for Usability

Beyond formal content strategy lies a truth: designers and developers often have to write content that end-users see. And if you don’t consider yourself a wordsmith, then this effort can seem futile.
Until now!
Under Steph’s spirited lead, you’ll learn the 4 characteristics to compelling content for web and mobile experiences. She’ll arm you with practical techniques you can use to write more effective, engaging copy that makes people do something—like sign up, buy, or just come back for more.
Avoid patterns that lead to super boring content
You’ll break the cycle of content creation as an after-thought.
- Understand why content historically has been part of IA and visual design
- Consider audience, medium, and network throughout your planning process
Recognize the 4 characteristics of compelling content
You’ll reference these guidelines when vetting your own content, too.
- Stop filling real estate with words that don’t help the user make decisions
- See how focused, compelling, and consistent content influences conversions
Write powerful content from scratch
You’ll become a master of the Message Hierarchy.
- Don’t panic at the sight of a blank page or earmarked “Lorem Ipsum”
- Craft compelling messages in an hour or less
Edit and prioritize messages in existing content
You’ll learn to refine your content so that people will love to read it.
- Choose the words that resonate with your audience
- Gauge the business, marketing, and UX goals of your words
If you’ve ever felt frustrated when someone asked, “Can’t you just put in some content as a placeholder?” then this seminar is for you.