Our research has shown that tools, such as interaction design frameworks, need to be essential components of every designer's toolbox. And we can't think of anybody who has thought more about these frameworks than Robert Hoekman, Jr., founder of the design firm Miskeeto.
For the last year, Robert has been thoroughly documenting frameworks as he works on his upcoming book, Web Anatomy: Interaction Design Frameworks That Work, which he's co-authoring with our own Jared Spool. He's also been touring the world, explaining to teams just like yours on exactly how they can get them most out of frameworks and create designs that delight and are loved.
To read a recent article Robert wrote on IxD frameworks, click here.
Of course, before that, Robert's vast background includes writing two of the best design books we think have ever been published, Designing the Obvious and Designing the Moment. He's also worked on projects for Seth Godin's Squidoo, Adobe, Automattic (the WordPress folks), United Airlines, and dozens of other great organizations. You can learn more about Robert at his site.
Robert is a fantastic presenter (having just blown away audiences at our 2009 UIE Web App Summit) and we're thrilled to have him sharing his vast knowledge on interaction design frameworks in this upcoming UIE Virtual Seminar. You won't want to miss this.