Input: Moving Beyond Forms

A web app can’t exist without the user’s input. We need the data, but do we need the form? Traditional web forms, made up from text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, and a submit button, have been the mainstay of application design. Thankfully, new approaches for input now give designers more to work with and create better experiences.
Today’s rich interaction techniques, move us beyond the static submit-and-refresh page model, delivering users real-time feedback and providing lightweight interactions. With these tools, we increase the quality and accuracy of user inputs, and reduce the users’ pain. What was a static form now becomes an engaging conversation.
Luke will explore several novel ways web applications can collect user input, through both mobile devices and desktop software, without forcing users to complete lengthy sequential forms. He’ll provide detailed research-based solutions that articulate not only the “how” but the “why” as well. You’ll walk away with practical web form design solutions you’ll immediately put to use.