The Why and How of Successful Style Guides

"We're not designing pages, we're designing systems of components" —Stephen Hay
Audiences feel the impact of small startups and big organizations that approach web projects with consistency. But with all the stakeholders involved, consistency can seem impossible. You know flow is important, but how do you herd ideas and their implementation when you’re only responsible for one piece of the puzzle? How do you keep a user interface cohesive and avoid 70 different button styles? How do you establish a common language and stop reinventing the wheel?
In Brad’s seminar, he’ll dig deep into the world of style guides: why they’re important, how they benefit organizations of all sizes, and how they can be crafted to gain value over time. Join this talk to get equipped and excited to shape a more global design system.
Make a case for style guides
- Show how style guides generate a better workflow and faster production in a team
- See real-world examples of how lack of a style guide makes a confusing landscape for users
Explore the various flavors of style guides
- View different types of style guides and understand their purpose, audience, and content
- Understand how different types of style guides can benefit your organization
Use Atomic Design to craft a pattern library
- Learn the process of creating atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages
- See examples of time-saving tools to assist in creating style guides
Safeguard against style-guide apathy and abandonment
- Build style guides into the flow of a project instead of just creating them at the end
- Make your style guides cross-disciplinary—get more input from other stakeholders
Attend this seminar if you want to:
- Establish sound footing in a turbulent landscape
- Communicate the importance of pattern-based development and workflow
- Work as a team towards big changes with substantial rewards
- Create references with durable value
Brad’s talk will challenge you to think differently and to employ a more deliberate design system. Come and learn about the impact of a cohesive design language.