Start Full Screen: Organize, Communicate, & Annotate HTML Prototypes

If your team is transitioning from static documentation to iterative HTML prototypes, then this seminar is right up your alley.
Nathan will talk about how his team at EightShapes brought it's renowned modular philosophy of modular components and libraries for producing PDFs to prototyping using simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You'll hear how to efficiently chunk your own designs into reusable bits, then communicate and annotate the prototype, including all of its variations and flows for stakeholders and teams alike.
You'll walk away knowing how to package your project prototypes, then tailor conversations to be of and around the experiences rather than walking through a document. And with the registration comes both EightShapes' CSS & JavaScript library and a sample HTML prototype that demonstrates all the concepts covered.
Build HTML prototypes and organize them systematically
You'll ease your team's transition from documents to HTML prototypes.
- Find out why organizing your experience can actually speed delivery
- Shape the scope of your stakeholder conversations
Break designs into small, reusable components
You'll learn how prototypes can be built, broken into parts, and then put back together.
- Learn how to chunk designs and organize templates systematically
- Create a navigable gallery that load all your varied page layout and content variations
Use an HTML prototype to communicate an entire experience
You'll make conversations about experiences rather than documents.
- Demonstrate design alternatives to help stakeholders make choices
- Show multiple pages and variations simultaneously in one view
Annotate and collaborate using basic markup
You'll hear how EightShapes is leading collaborative prototyping as a practice.
- Use HTML markup for annotating templates, then hide it for usability testing
- Balance when to compose detailed notes versus relying just on a prototype
If you're an enthusiastic proponent of efficient and responsive design, then register now. Because you'll achieve both more quickly with Nathan's guidance.