Sketching for Understanding

"Show, don't tell" is a phrase often heard these days. With collaborative sketching techniques to orient and unify teams, it's no surprise that you are embracing sketches to explore design ideas earlier in a creative process.
But what are your goals for sketching, and how do they translate to your organization or team? And what are some great techniques you can start using right now?
Find out from Nathan Curtis of EightShapes. He'll lead you through the processes, people, and purposes behind different types of sketches. Whether you're trying to sell your ideas, crystallize disparate discussions, or engage remote teams in UX decision-making, you'll be glad you've got Nathan—and loads of new sketching exercises—on your side.
Get started with sketching basics
- Discover the tools of sketching: specific pens, papers, dots, and surfaces
- Create low- or high-fidelity sketches depending upon your goals
Critique in a way that brings out the best in everyone’s sketches
- Start with the good and encourage exploration
- Avoid lengthy clarifications and judgment
Plan a collaborative Design Studio
- Mix up disciplines, yet consider sustaining “working groups” to build team dynamics
- See detailed plans for constructing a good workspace, including tips for remote Studios
Run a productive Design Studio
- Facilitate timed rounds of sketch/present/critique
- Develop practical methods of organizing your sketches